Julen Urain

Postdoctoral Researcher at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)


I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Intelligent Autonomous Systems lab (IAS) and the DFKI. I recently received my PhD in Computer Science with summa cum laude from TU Darmstadt under the supervision of Prof. Jan Peters. Previously, I interned as a researcher in Nvidia’s Seattle Robotics Lab (SRL). My research have received several awards including several best paper awards and I was finalist for the George Giralt PhD award. I was honoured to be selected as an R:SS Pioneer in 2023.

My research interests lie at the intersection of robotics and machine learning. In particular I explore the combination of fields such as deep generative models, motion planning and control, imitation learning, optimization, and reinforcement learning.

If you are interested in similar topics, I am always looking for collaborations or thesis supervision, so please do not hesitate to contact me.

Contact: julen [at] robot-learning [dot] de

Follow: Google Scholar GitHub Twitter


Jul 20, 2024 We won Best Paper Award in Structural Priors as Inductive Biases for Learning Robot Dynamics at RSS 2024 for our work on ActionFlows.
Feb 07, 2024 I have been selected as finalist for the George Girault Ph.D. award!! Europe’s highest honor for a robotics dissertation :heart:
Dec 18, 2023 I succesfully defended my Ph.D with Suma Cum Laude :blush:
Jun 02, 2023 We won Best Paper Award in Geometric Representations Workshop at ICRA 2023 for our work on SE(3) DiffusionFields.
Apr 28, 2023 I am a R:SS Pioneer! A 30 member strong-cohort of top early robotics researchers (%22 acceptance).

selected publications

  1. se3dif.gif
    SE(3)-DiffusionFields: Learning smooth cost functions for joint grasp and motion optimization through diffusion
    J. Urain ,  N. Funk ,  G. Chalvatzaki , and 1 more author
    ICRA, 2023
  2. msvf_2022.gif
    Learning Stable Vector Fields on Lie Groups
    J. Urain ,  D. Tateo ,  and  J. Peters
    RA-L / ICRA, 2022
  3. rss_2021.gif
    Composable Energy Policies for Reactive Motion Generation and Reinforcement Learning
    J. Urain ,  A. Li ,  P. Liu , and 2 more authors
    R:SS / IJRR, 2021
  4. ral_2021.gif
    Benchmarking Structured Policies and Policy Optimization for Real-World Dexterous Object Manipulation
    N. Funk ,  C. Schaff ,  R. Madan , and 8 more authors
    RA-L, 2021